Summertime COVID-19 Counsel: What This Summer Looks Like at Gokal Law Group

Summer this year is not quite what we expected, but that hasn’t stopped us from pushing towards new goals and having fun. At Gokal Law Group, treating our coworkers and our clients like family is our top priority. While COVID-19 may make this challenging, we are putting in every effort to maintain – and even further build – our relationships. Here are some glimpses at what summer looks like for the Gokal crew. 


Starting With Safety

Our office is small, so we have been cleared to reopen for some time now. Still, we don’t take working from the office lightly; many precautions have been implemented to create the safest space we can. This “please wear a mask at all gokal law mask requirementtimes” sign is just one of the many steps we are taking to protect our employees and keep everyone healthy. We are also actively implementing social distancing measures, and restrict office visits to employees and their families. While we wish we could welcome clients through our doors, the health of everyone is our top priority. We look forward to the day we can celebrate our client wins with them in person!


Social-Distanced Celebrations

Summer is the season for celebrations with friends and family. We try our best to find a balance between socialization and safety. When a birthday comes along, we want to make sure we make the most out of it. At Gokal Law Group, parking lot celebrations were the answer to our qualms. While we can’t host an official indoor party or be together in close proximity, we still manage to find a way to make the day feel special. Setting up chairs and enjoying the sun can make this abnormal time feel a little more special. 

Family Gets the Job Done

We don’t offer real summer camps, but having kids around the office sure makes it feel like we do. These fresh faces bring life to our office during these quieter times and keep things exciting as we take on new cases and make big wins on existing ones. Family is our biggest motivator, encouraging us to fight for our clients.


Just last week, Gokal Law Group settled a personal injury case against First Student, a bus company, that was 3 years in the making. Three and a half years ago, a First Student bus carrying SVUSD special needs children, driven by a gentleman over 80, blew across an intersection when it was not clear. It caused a four-car collision, resulting in permanent injuries for 6 people involved. The failures of First Student to create a safe bus route created lifelong consequences for these people, and our suit forced First Student to take responsibility for the catastrophic harm they caused. We hope they move forward learning to take steps to ensure the safety of the children in their care. 


At the end of the day, Gokal Law Group is a family firm that treats our clients as if they were our own flesh and blood. We fight for our clients as we would our own children, sisters, brothers, and parents. We are our clients’ Warriors, fighting to bring them justice and right the wrongs they have endured.


Each attorney has a specific practice area for which they are tried, tested, and battle-ready. They have vast years of experience in their practice area, providing them the knowledge,

skills, and vision to fight and win. Learn more about Gokal Law Group. 

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